Many managers suffer from one key oversight: failing to take their employees to that next level of greatness. Managers and directors sometimes fall incredibly short of exploring the full potential of their most talented individuals. By doing so, the potential of their business as a whole is threatened without employee growth. When you have a diamond sitting square in your midst, you want to make sure it’s polished and shines as brightly as possible, right?

As a leader, the task of talent management falls onto your lap for employee growth. You’re able to see the bigger picture and where each piece of the puzzle fits in. It’s vitally important to identify methods that will enhance your ability to develop talented staff. And if you already have a talented staff, it’s always good to know how to retain them as well. There’s nothing worse than having a rockstar team and not knowing how to keep them happy.

So read on to find out how to create and keep your dream team.

  • Step One: Start at the hiring process.

Consider the full potential of an employee for growth before you hire them. They may be qualified and experienced but do they have the potential to grow and the ability to coexist within your company’s culture? Their education may be impressive but can they learn to adapt on the go and out of a school environment?

Even more important, don’t dismiss someone because they’re lacking some experience or certain minor qualifications. You can teach better Excel skills or how to input information into QuickBooks, but you cannot teach good character or work ethic.

Someone that can develop as your company develops may be a more suitable choice for hire over someone that has already reached their growth cap or someone who doesn’t believe they need to learn anything more.

  • Step Two: Learn to let them struggle as part of their employee growth.

Part of growing involves overcoming challenges. Expect your employees to resolve issues as they occur and encourage them to think things through on their own. Only intervene when absolutely necessary. Allow them the opportunity to grow through hardship and to become a self-sustaining employee growth in the process who can rely on their own knowledge and resourcefulness instead of needing to be micromanaged at every hiccup.

Also, try not to come down too hard over small mistakes. If your leadership tactic includes blowing up at everything that isn’t perfection, regardless of importance, you’ll soon find that your staff either starts to hide things from you to avoid your rage or they find jobs where they’re allowed to be human and learn from mistakes.

  • Step Three: Lend them some daily wisdom.

It’s important to coach your staff and to lead them to a better version of themselves. If you don’t make growth a priority, then they won’t either. Aim to expand your staff’s current skillsets, fine-tune their abilities, and enlighten their thought processes. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to encourage growth and education. Find some books on team building, professional development, or leadership and give them to your team. Have them read the book and take an hour to discuss. You don’t have to have all the answers yourself, but guiding your team in the right direction and fostering their intelligence will pay off in the end.

  • Step Four: Establish the appropriate tone for Employee growth.

Create and maintain a work environment that promotes employee growth and leadership.  Encourage new ideas, questions, collaboration and ownership. Ask your staff to completely immerse themselves in your company and to envision the future of your company on a daily basis. Find ways to give your staff personal reasons to invest their time and energy in growing your company.

For example, if you listen with an open mind to new ideas and allow everyone to brainstorm and speak their minds (regardless of position or pay grade), it’ll feel much more like a team effort rather than a tyranny. And you’ll be boosting your staff’s morale while allowing them to work together and find new solutions to challenges you may be facing. Star players won’t give a second thought to leaving a harsh dictatorship, but are much less likely to leave their teammates behind.

Each process will be unique for you and your company, but if you keep these steps in mind, you’ll be able to attract the right people and keep them happy for many years ahead. Join our MSP Academy to learn more about ways to get the full potential of your employee growth!