CharTec Academy - May 20-22, 2025 - Register Here!


3 basic ways to generate new leads

Marketing is all about vision and risks.  It’s about making connections, delving into the analytics, crossing those fingers, and encouraging creativity.  It’s about forcing your products and solutions to come to life in different ways, for different people. But for everyone outside of the marketing world, marketing is about having fun.  It’s about crayons, PDFs, [...]

By |2016-10-13T14:11:45-07:00June 3rd, 2016|Marketing|0 Comments

6 tips for a better than average newsletter

As a Managed Service Provider, you’ve got this whole content thing in the bag.  For once in your life, you are the popular kid.  You are king of online engagement, and everything you create drips of interesting, useful, and exciting information.  Right…?  Let’s hope so. You have the freedom to write on topics like smart [...]

By |2016-10-13T14:11:45-07:00May 31st, 2016|Marketing|0 Comments

Simple things you can do to engage your current MSP clients

Many people like to assert that selling Managed IT Services is in no way, shape, or form sexy.  And to that… we 100% agree.  Tell anyone that you work in Managed IT Services and the only thing they’ll ever think about when they see you is glasses.  It’s inevitable – even if you are a [...]

By |2016-10-13T14:11:45-07:00April 18th, 2016|Marketing|0 Comments

3 ways to package, spin, and service your MSP better than the competition

When it comes to marketing your MSP and selling your services, the simple fact that all MSPs are naturally alike is incredibly painful.  And to make matters worse, with each passing year, more and more MSPs fall out of the sky and scurry around your territory to give you a run for your money. If [...]

By |2016-10-13T14:11:45-07:00March 18th, 2016|Marketing|0 Comments

Here’s how to plan your content strategy

Joe Pulizzi is the founder of Content Marketing Institute and author of Content Inc.  In his book, he says that 61% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company if they deliver custom content, 70% of consumers prefer to familiarize themselves with a company through custom content, and 90% of consumers find custom [...]

By |2016-10-13T14:11:45-07:00March 8th, 2016|Marketing|0 Comments

Give yourself a quick website analysis

This past week CharTec hosted the first Academy of 2016, and what was really interesting to us was that most of our marketing sessions were redirected to chats regarding effective websites. In fact, we had a record number of attendees schedule 30-minute sessions during Academy with our Marketing Director and Account Manager to receive a [...]

By |2016-10-13T14:11:45-07:00February 19th, 2016|Marketing|0 Comments

10 tips to keep your social media easy and fun

Social media is surprisingly a very “complex” notion to smaller businesses and, for some odd reason, to MSPs especially.  Why is this?  Not quite sure.  But give the CEO of an MSP control of an online business profile and, suddenly, the internet becomes this abstract, foreign place... “What do you mean by…‘tag’?” “So, if I [...]

By |2016-10-13T14:11:46-07:00February 5th, 2016|Marketing|0 Comments

That sofa is f**king comfortable.

Already you’re either offended, disgusted, or shocked, and we’ve only just begun. But what are you going to do?  Call up the owner of CharTec and demand this blog be amended. IMMEDIATELY! Or maybe, you’d like to applaud this written work.  CharTec refuses to fall prey to a society pressured by the movement of political [...]

By |2016-10-13T14:11:46-07:00January 15th, 2016|Marketing|0 Comments

What is Evergreen Content and how do I create it?

The first time you heard the term Evergreen Content (which may or may not be right now) you were probably a little thrown off by it.  And if your mind works like mine, then you naturally thought, “When did we start talking about gardening?  I thought this was a conversation about blogs.”  Then you proceeded [...]

By |2016-10-13T14:11:46-07:00November 16th, 2015|Marketing|0 Comments

Think It Might Be Time for an Appointment Setter? Think Again!

There’s something that’s been on my mind lately. Over the past few weeks, the team has received many emails and phone calls from our Members mentioning the same problem: they need an appointment setter to book their sales appointments and don’t know where to start. My first question to them is: how many leads to [...]

By |2021-10-28T07:52:10-07:00October 23rd, 2014|Marketing|0 Comments
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