Sometimes All You Need Is A Good Time Out

2019 Ops Lab Grads

Just like a three-year-old needs a time out to reflect, collect their thoughts, and prepare to make better choices,
you need a time out from your business to make major changes necessary for your growth.
The Operations Lab provides you three days away from your business to do just that.

We won’t be sitting in circles, taking deep breaths, and coloring to release our inner calm, though. We’re going to be working on those projects that you just don’t have enough time to implement when you’re back at home. We’ve handpicked the items that have the greatest impact on your organization, so you can walk away with critical items checked off the to-do list.

Schedule a call today and find out when the next Operations Lab will take place.
You’ll walk into the new year stronger, with a better foundation, and ready to grow.

What’s Covered in the Operations Lab?

Defining a Mission, Vision & Culture

Defining a Mission, Vision & Culture

Do you and your employees know where you’re headed as a company? What values drive your decisions? Is everyone at your company onboard culturally? Mission and Vision statements may feel fluffy, but they are a fundamental building blog for establishing a strong culture. This is what keep people at your company even when the business down the road offers 25 cents more per hour.

Key Financial Metrics

Key Financial Metrics

Gross margin, billable rates, utilization, effective rates, profit centers, revenue, pay rates. Many MSPs are running purely on a cash basis because they don’t have the ability to pull the numbers that they need. Know the numbers and how to get to them so that you can work toward best in class.

Time Entry

Time Entry

Is it an act of God to get your techs to enter their time? If you’ve lost hope that your technicians will ever effectively enter their time, we will get you back on track with a program that gets techs to not only enter their time, but enter it in real time.

Ticket Triage & Dispatch

Ticket Triage & Dispatch

Is it better to have a technical asset or a non-technical asset dispatch? When is it time to hire a dispatcher? How do you get techs to pay attention to what the dispatcher says rather than cherry-pick tickets? How are tickets organized and managed so they flow seamlessly through the system to ensure completion and customer satisfaction?

Service Boards & Statuses

Service Boards & Statuses

Are you service boards and statuses a jumbled mess because you didn’t know what you were doing when you set them up and you haven’t had time to fix them? Let’s work on that together.

Time to take a time out from your business?
Contact us for details about the Operations Lab.