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What is the proper role of a CEO?

CEOs are more than just a business owners, they are visionaries, leaders, and more importantly, bosses; someone employees can look up to for guidance.  Possibly a company role model. Now, having brainstormed this with the team we determined that there are two types of CEOs. Those that are approachable, and those that are not. I [...]

By |2016-10-13T14:11:50-07:00February 12th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Death of Working from Home? How One Blogger Hopes This Isn’t a New Trend

Click for Full Image Working for a technology company has many perks. Probably my personal favorite (besides traveling around the country) is the ability to work from anywhere. While on the road, I work from my smartphone, in my hotel room from my laptop, and in an airport with my MiFi. How about [...]

By |2016-10-13T14:11:51-07:00April 8th, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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