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6 Tips to Conquer Electronic Etiquette

If you have a standard job, you probably use email all day, every day. It’s probably safe to assume that in one eight hour period you send more emails than you speak words. Sad, but true. But because of this, it’s important to know the ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ of proper email etiquette. You don’t want [...]

By |2022-04-10T04:59:55-07:00October 3rd, 2017|HR, Productivity|0 Comments

How to Use Vacations to Boost Work Productivity

We all dream about a relaxing vacation on a beach somewhere, coconut drink in hand, cell phone turned off and sitting at the bottom of a suitcase. No worries, no deadlines, no stress. Your boss cannot find you, or conversely, your staff cannot hound you. Sounds perfect, doesn’t it? And maybe you’re part of the [...]

By |2017-10-05T13:39:18-07:00September 26th, 2017|HR|0 Comments

Have you turned your employees into zombies?

If your employees aren’t engaged, then it’s only a matter of time before something, somewhere down the line goes wrong. Now, you’re probably thinking to yourself, “I pay them to feel engaged.” And to a certain degree, you have a point. Why should you worry about their level of personal engagement, right? We’re all adults [...]

By |2017-08-08T15:57:44-07:00August 21st, 2017|HR|0 Comments

3 HR Metrics SMBs Can’t Afford to Ignore

Recruiting and retaining top talent isn’t easy. Even after the hiring process ends, there are several metrics your Human Resources (HR) specialist(s) should keep tabs on to ensure top performers stick around long enough to deliver meaningful results for your company. Here are 3 metrics highly effective HR organizations measure: Productivity Over Presence Some HR [...]

By |2017-08-08T15:50:24-07:00August 14th, 2017|HR|0 Comments

4 Inspirational Quotes to Inspire Your Inner Leader

Whether they’re proudly displayed on your office wall or hidden inside your bottom desk drawer, we all have our go-to inspirational quotes. It might be a tad embarrassing or a little melodramatic, but either way, they’re good for you. These extremely cheesy, uplifting, and motivational quotes do just that: layer on the cheese but uplift [...]

By |2017-07-24T17:08:23-07:00July 24th, 2017|HR|0 Comments

How to Work From Home Successfully

We’ve all been in the same boat at one point or another—lugging home the laptop to work from home over the weekend to make the upcoming week less stressful. And we do it with good intentions, but like all good intentions, there’s rarely a backbone to support them. Here’s how events usually unfold: Friday night you [...]

By |2017-06-15T14:34:39-07:00June 15th, 2017|HR|0 Comments

5 things you should never do on the weekend

All week we look forward to the weekend. It’s as natural to the human condition as breathing, that love of freedom. When Friday finally decides to roll around, it’s like the world is raining magical rainbows and unicorns. Whatever stress happened during the week is erased with the image of a Saturday and Sunday playing [...]

By |2017-06-12T10:36:58-07:00June 9th, 2017|HR|0 Comments

Enough already! The cost of workplace interruptions

Just think. If you were able to monetize being interrupted in the workplace, you’d be freaking rich… right? Now, why is that? Well, you – like millions of people in every workplace.. are interrupted so much, that well.. just the thought of being able to monetize it makes you smile. However, if we’re able to [...]

By |2017-07-21T12:54:29-07:00March 8th, 2017|HR|0 Comments

It’s time to show a little interoffice gratitude. But here’s what you need to know first

Gratitude is an interesting thing.  You feel it from someone, and it’s like everything around you suddenly makes sense.  You give it to someone, and it’s like nothing around you can go wrong. In the workplace, gratitude is essential.  Without gratitude, your coworkers might feel like what they do doesn’t matter… that it doesn’t make [...]

By |2016-10-28T14:36:47-07:00October 28th, 2016|HR|0 Comments
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