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Our Blog

13 11, 2019

Why We Need a Sales Process

By |2019-11-13T10:33:54-08:00November 13th, 2019|Sales|0 Comments

A quick Google search tells us there are approximately 18 million salespeople in the United States. A similar search reveals that there are approximately 1,500 MSPs across the country. We know from hosting numerous MSP events that, in many of the smaller MSPs, the owners usually wear multiple hats and are often the only salesperson [...]

16 10, 2019

Price Your MSP Offering – What Rates are You Charging?

By |2019-10-16T10:06:55-07:00October 16th, 2019|Operations|0 Comments

Learn how to price your MSP offering How to price your MSP offering is a huge part of your company's success. When you first get into business, you're probably willing to take on whoever throws money at you. Then, you eventually realize that they're not profitable. You have to reset your pricing in order to [...]

10 10, 2019

Cybersecurity Awareness Month – Are You Capitalizing On It?

By |2019-10-14T08:36:27-07:00October 10th, 2019|Marketing|0 Comments

Attention! October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This is not a drill. For the past 16 years, the government and businesses have collaborated to support cybersecurity awareness for enterprises and consumers. As an IT company, this month fits you about as well as Wine Wednesday fits any worn-down parent trying to do it all.  The only [...]

30 09, 2019

Managed Services Agreements

By |2021-10-28T07:01:05-07:00September 30th, 2019|Sales, Operations|0 Comments

Month-to-month. One Year. Three Year. What do your managed services agreements look like? It's one of the most popular questions we're asked. Three-Year Managed Services Agreements We utilize three-year agreements for every managed services contract. We do this for three primary reasons: Profitability: As you well know, the first 6-9 months of any agreement are [...]

19 09, 2019

The Future of MSP Automation, with Dan Martin

By |2019-09-19T11:24:26-07:00September 19th, 2019|Operations|0 Comments

“For a while, the market for MSPs has been very rich and people have gotten away with a lot. As the market gets more and more competitive there are bigger and smaller players who are beginning to utilize automation to gain an advantage.” This quote comes from Dan Martin, CharTec’s new Director of Operations. Dan [...]

12 09, 2019

Before You Configure Your PSA

By |2019-09-13T10:40:07-07:00September 12th, 2019|Operations|0 Comments

If you’re an MSP who is going through a growth phase, and you’re still keeping records and tracking your Techs on spreadsheets, notepads, or even Post-it notes, it’s time to look into automating your day-to-day processes. If you're already automated but have been through some changes recently, you probably need to make some updates too. [...]

5 09, 2019

Why Operations Is Key to Your Profitability

By |2019-09-05T13:28:32-07:00September 5th, 2019|Operations|0 Comments

As an MSP owner, you know that there are many factors involved in running your business, as well as managing growth. The day-to-day business is mostly made up of keeping people happy; your staff, your vendors and your clients. You're putting out fires as they pop up, and every day you're getting better at it. [...]

19 08, 2019

Dan Martin Named as CharTec’s Director of Operations

By |2019-10-14T09:07:25-07:00August 19th, 2019|Management|0 Comments

CharTec welcomes Dan Martin as its Director of Operations. No stranger to CharTec Academy, Dan will now support CharTec using his expertise in reporting, metrics, and dashboarding. He will maintain his roles at ConnectSMART and his thriving farm while joining the CharTec team. Academy Veteran Dan has participated in the CharTec Academy for years. At each event, [...]

15 08, 2019

Hiring your first MSP Salesperson

By |2021-10-28T07:35:30-07:00August 15th, 2019|Sales|0 Comments

MSP Sales is tremendously complicated these days. The prospects you’re trying to reach are much more skeptical than they were just a few years ago. They’ve heard every promise imaginable about running the IT end of their business, and more than a few promises that you’d likely never imagine. These days, small to medium business [...]

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