Managed Service Providers Are Always Looking For Ways To Improve Their Business, But They Don’t Know Where To Look.

They want something that will help them with sales, marketing and operations – all at the same time! That’s why we created these webinars just for MSPs.

These on demand webinars can be watched anytime and from anywhere so you can learn what you need when it is convenient for you. You will gain valuable insight into areas such as sales, marketing or operations that you may not have thought about before and how it applies specifically to your business.

  • CharTec Presents

    Three Steps to Creating a High Producing Sales Culture without Micromanaging
    Nick Points

    Nick Points is one of the top Sales Trainers in the MSP Industry. Nick regularly teaches MSPs how to sell during Chartec’s Sales Labs, Academies, and Industry events throughout the Nation.


    What You’re Going to Learn

    • Culture
      How to create a high-producing sales culture.
    • Training
      How to take the necessary steps towards creating a successful sales process and training program.
    • Results
      How to motivate your team to achieve better results.
    • Revenue
      Tips for improving your Managed Services Revenue.
  • CharTec Presents

    Finding an MSP Sales Superstar – Easy Right?
    Nick Points

    Nick Points is one of the top Sales Trainers in the MSP Industry. Nick regularly teaches MSPs how to sell during Chartec’s Sales Labs, Academies, and Industry events throughout the Nation.


    What You’re Going to Learn

    • 5 Must Haves Before You Hire
    • 8 Red Flags for Hiring a Sales Superstar
    • Interview Process
    • 30 Day Accelerator
  • CharTec Presents

    The 5 Inside Secrets Our Members Use to Close More Deals Quickly
    Managed Service Providers-CharTec

    Join Nick Points, CharTec’s Director of Sales, as he shares some rare secrets on Closing More Deals Quickly. Nick covers:


    What You’re Going to Learn

    • Find Out Why
      Going in unprepared is not a good strategy for closing the deal, and how you can be prepared for any possible objection, starting today!
    • The Secret to
      Becoming a top MSP salesperson and crushing your competition.
    • How our members
      Are building MRR instantly and growing their business.
    • Learn How To
      Do all of this while mastering the prerequisites of the sale.
  • CharTec Presents

    You’ve Hired Your Sales Person – Now What?
    Managed Service Providers-CharTec

    Crystal Campbell, our Premium Account Manager, discusses the steps it takes to shape your New Sales Person. Some of her tips include


    What You’re Going to Learn

    • Set the right…
      Expectations and go through the onboarding process.
    • Quotas:
      Laying a Solid Foundation
    • Automation Triggers:
      Tracking Activity Points
    • Have a look…
      At what the Sales Crystal Ball looks like
  • CharTec Presents

    Hiring and Training A Sales Pro
    Managed Service Providers-CharTec

    Crystal Campbell, our Premium Account Manager, discusses the steps it takes to shape your New Sales Person. Some of her tips include


    What You’re Going to Learn

    • Discover
      How to spot the 5 must-haves before you hire
    • Recognize
      8 Red Flags To Be On The Lookout For
    • How To
      Assess the Applicants
    • The 30-Day Roadmap
      Getting the new recruits on board
  • CharTec Presents

    The 5 Inside Secrets Our Members Use to Close More Deals Quickly Without Managed Service Sales Experience
    Nick Points

    Nick Points is one of the top Sales Trainers in the MSP Industry. Nick regularly teaches MSPs how to sell during Chartec’s Sales Labs, Academies, and Industry events throughout the Nation.


    What You’re Going to Learn

    • Why...
      You Were Unable to Fulfill Your Last Deal
    • CharTec Tip
      The Five Prerequisites of a Sale
    • Problems
      They are something we all have to deal with.
    • CharTec’s
      Sales Process