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6 09, 2018

5 Sales Myths Debunked

By |2021-07-17T04:55:12-07:00September 6th, 2018|Sales|0 Comments

It’s hard not to make assumptions about the sales industry. If you were to ask a group of individuals to write down the first thing that comes to mind when you say the word “salesperson,” here are some of the things you’d get: greedy, pushy, talk too much, aggressive, money hungry, egotistical, annoying – and [...]

30 08, 2018

How do you Want Your Summer to End?

By |2018-08-30T16:36:58-07:00August 30th, 2018|BDR|0 Comments

Summers end is nearing and many of you are gearing up to take that last-minute vacation. Some people like to get away and relax – they visit quiet Alpine mountain areas, or serene beaches where the lapping waves and warm sun help them forget the daily grind. Other, more daring individuals, prefer something more intense [...]

16 08, 2018

Social Media – It’s not a fad

By |2018-08-16T10:02:22-07:00August 16th, 2018|Marketing|0 Comments

In today’s society, it is extremely hard to imagine business without the Internet. However, a couple of years ago many people saw the world wide web as a fad, being nothing more than “a trendy and oversold” community. Let’s rewind to 1995, the year in which scientist/author, Clifford Stoll, published his book tittle: Silicon Snake Oil: [...]

2 08, 2018

3 Strategies To Generate New MSP Leads

By |2018-08-02T13:43:58-07:00August 2nd, 2018|Marketing|0 Comments

If you ask any MSP what their biggest headache is, I can guarantee generating new leads is right up there. Leads are potential prospects who express an interest in your products or services. These are individuals or organizations that can become lifelong, loyal customers…if you play your cards right. Have you done everything you can [...]

17 07, 2018

Are you STILL Solution Selling? Here’s why it’s not working.

By |2021-10-28T07:17:13-07:00July 17th, 2018|Sales|0 Comments

You know what people think of when they hear the word “Salesman?” Words like slimy used car salesman and annoying telemarketer would probably make the top of that list. Many salespeople are under the impression that if they vomit all of their products and services onto someone, that person will eventually find one or two [...]

9 07, 2018

Quick Tips to Become an Email Marketing Guru

By |2021-10-28T07:49:14-07:00July 9th, 2018|Marketing|0 Comments

Email marketing is by far the most effective marketing outlet in our day and age, and for several reasons. Email marketing is the most cost-effective way to send your marketing message to a large audience, and the best part is, most of this can be automated! But how exactly does a good email come to [...]

5 07, 2018

HR Metrics to Consider: Recruiting and Retaining Talent

By |2021-10-28T07:36:48-07:00July 5th, 2018|HR|0 Comments

Recruiting and retaining top talent isn’t easy. Even after the hiring process ends, there are several metrics your Human Resources (HR) specialist(s) should keep tabs on to ensure top performers stick around long enough to deliver meaningful results for your company. Here are 3 metrics highly effective HR organizations measure: 1.Turnover Some turnover is expected, [...]

27 06, 2018

The 4 Habits of Highly Effective Salespeople

By |2018-06-28T11:34:37-07:00June 27th, 2018|Sales|0 Comments

Why is it that some salespeople consistently meet quota, while others struggle to book a meeting with a decision maker? Is it because they were born to sell? Are they master con artists? Is it just beginners luck? Actually, it’s none of the above. Sales is a tough gig, and because of this, successful salespeople [...]

19 06, 2018

3 Steps to Converting those Break-Fix Clients of Yours

By |2018-06-19T12:04:01-07:00June 19th, 2018|Sales|0 Comments

One of the most common questions we get from new CharTec members is “How the heck do I convert all of these break-fix clients to full-blown managed services clients?” You may have asked yourself this same question in the past, or you might even be asking yourself this same question now. Our answer to this [...]

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