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Our Blog

5 05, 2018

Five Prerequisites To Selling Your Managed Services – Closing More Strategically

By |2019-08-20T08:59:54-07:00May 5th, 2018|Sales|0 Comments

Here at CharTec, we’ve been around the block a couple of times. We help managed service providers (MSPs) every single day with sales, marketing, operations, finance, and cultural challenges, plus a lot more. So, we know that one of the biggest hurdles MSPs regularly face - is the sales process. What if we told you [...]

3 05, 2018

It’s World Password Day Today! What Can You Do Today To Improve Your Online Safety?

By |2018-05-03T10:56:26-07:00May 3rd, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Registrar of National Day Calendar has designated the first Thursday of May of each year as World Password Day. World Password Day is a celebration to promote better password habits. Passwords are critical gatekeepers to our digital identities, allowing us to access online shopping, dating, banking, social media, private work and life communications. Get tips to [...]

2 05, 2018

Is Your Team Growing? You NEED To Understand The 5 Stages Of Team Development

By |2021-10-28T07:37:29-07:00May 2nd, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

As the business owner or as a member of the executive team within your MSP, you've been around the block a few times and probably have lots of stories to share when it comes to bringing on new staff, building teams and managing your company culture. With all of the different scenarios you have running [...]

30 04, 2018

The Art of Popcorning to Sell Managed Services

By |2018-04-30T05:55:11-07:00April 30th, 2018|Sales|0 Comments

Most of us have been there. You're in front of a prospect and likely in the presentation phase of the sales process when you need to make a substantial point that would likely illustrate their need for your services but instead of backing your point with examples and facts, you throw out a filler phrase [...]

25 04, 2018

8 Tips To Submitting Your Press Release

By |2021-10-28T07:14:03-07:00April 25th, 2018|Marketing|0 Comments

Over the past few weeks, we've been exploring the use of press releases in your overall marketing strategy for selling managed services.  We've started from the very beginning to better understand what a press release actually is and gone through the steps of developing a release for publication. In this article, we will go over [...]

17 04, 2018

How Automation Can Transform Your MSP

By |2018-04-03T10:20:50-07:00April 17th, 2018|Vendors|0 Comments

As time marches on MSPs are enjoying more and more of the benefits of automation. CRMs and accounting software have reduced many of the bookkeeping tasks associated with running a business. Integrations and workflow improvements reduce the complexity and labor involved in running an MSP business. One of the main reasons we developed ConnectBooster was [...]

14 04, 2018

How To Create An Effective Press Release

By |2021-10-28T07:13:22-07:00April 14th, 2018|Marketing|0 Comments

You've probably caught on by now but just to make sure we're all on the same page, this is the second article of three about press releases and why you, as an MSP need them. Over the past few weeks, we've been exploring the use of press releases in your overall marketing strategy for selling [...]

11 04, 2018

Sales Hack: 100’s of MSP Leads Are Waiting For You

By |2021-10-28T07:49:46-07:00April 11th, 2018|Sales|0 Comments

There's been a lot of buzz in and around my office regarding local prospecting techniques and our members are desperate to learn better, more strategic ways of filling their sales funnel. Furthermore, nurturing those leads until the prospect is ready to make a purchase.  Building a sales funnel is challenging... especially if you're not the [...]

9 04, 2018

[MSP] Our Most Popular Sales & Marketing Blogs of 2018 Revisited

By |2018-04-11T17:09:41-07:00April 9th, 2018|Marketing, Sales|0 Comments

Over the past quarter, we've been blogging quite a bit about Sales & Marketing for the Managed Service Provider and have been met with so much enthusiasm that we thought we'd run the most popular articles all in one blog post. If you haven't already checked out the links below, now's your chance to catch [...]

3 04, 2018

Using The Media & Press Releases To Sell Managed Services

By |2021-10-28T07:58:07-07:00April 3rd, 2018|Marketing|0 Comments

If you ask me in 2018, the media gets a really bad rap for all the value they add to our everyday lives and especially the potential value they offer to our businesses. Running truly effective marketing campaigns can become very costly very quickly but there are definitely some tactics you can put into play [...]

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