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Our Blog

17 08, 2016

What social media in the workplace can teach your business

By |2016-10-13T14:11:44-07:00August 17th, 2016|HR|0 Comments

What we know to be true about the traditional workplace has forever changed… and may never stop changing.  We’re involved in what appears to be a never-ending process of establishing new norms and developing different exceptions. And that’s okay.  Change is how you, as a person, become better and how your business expands into something [...]

5 08, 2016

3 key concepts of the modern workplace

By |2016-10-13T14:11:44-07:00August 5th, 2016|HR|0 Comments

As younger Millennials transition into the workplace, older Millennials become more comfortable with what they can and cannot do, and other generations adapt to survive and collaborate with this new generation, three core principles have emerged: Innovation, Competition, and Fairness. As stated by Henry Jackson, the CEO of the Society for Human Resource Management, these [...]

1 08, 2016

3 business tips from Alex Rogers

By |2016-10-13T14:11:44-07:00August 1st, 2016|HR|0 Comments

Ask Alex Rogers, CEO of CharTec and ARRC Technology, what surprised him the most about running his own business, and he’ll say that it’s the employees. “When I first started my business, I didn’t expect to feel so thankful for my employees.  Their talent.  Their dedication.  Their spirits.  They are the reason my businesses have [...]

22 07, 2016

What is a marketing track and how can you create one?

By |2016-10-13T14:11:44-07:00July 22nd, 2016|Marketing|0 Comments

When it comes to marketing – both for CharTec and our members – we’re big on marketing tracks.  In fact, we usually have multiple marketing tracks running in one year, with each track serving different purposes, at different times, for different audiences. But what is a marketing track and how can you create one?  It’s [...]

19 07, 2016

Convert clients from break-fix to managed services with this 3-parter

By |2016-10-13T14:11:44-07:00July 19th, 2016|Sales|0 Comments

Recently, someone asked us a question, and it went something like this, Hey, CharTec.  We have all these break-fix clients, and we don’t really want to play on that side of the fence anymore.  How do we go about converting our current break-fix clients to full-blown managed services clients? Our answer to this question is [...]

8 07, 2016

5 ways to de-stress, profanity included

By |2016-07-20T16:14:47-07:00July 8th, 2016|HR|0 Comments

The statistics surrounding stress on the job are frightening.  No, really.  They’re frightening.  The following statistics are currently presented on the website for The American Institute of Stress: 80% of workers feel stress on the job 42% of workers say their coworkers need help managing this stress 14% of workers have felt like striking a [...]

5 07, 2016

10 Reasons Companies are Moving Communications to the Cloud Today

By |2016-10-13T14:11:44-07:00July 5th, 2016|Vendors|0 Comments

There’s lots of buzz around the cloud these days and cloud communications is no exception. But buzz isn’t always an indicator of a business case for technology purchases. Smart businesses are asking what’s driving the rush to the cloud—and they’re getting solid answers. So why are so many businesses moving communications to the cloud today? [...]

1 07, 2016

The business leader of the future is the Fruity Pebbles of psychopaths

By |2016-10-13T14:11:44-07:00July 1st, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Since the dawn of time, psychopathy has been positioned as a negative “grouping of personality characteristics” – the makings of a serial killer or the beginnings of an epic con man.  But, in all reality, is psychopathy really such a bad thing? Think about it for a minute. It’s been said that out of every [...]

28 06, 2016

Here’s what your MSP can learn from Progressive Reduction

By |2016-10-13T14:11:44-07:00June 28th, 2016|Marketing|0 Comments

Over the last few years, there’s been a movement towards Progressive Reduction, where the design of something is gradually simplified for the sophisticated user.  The outcome can have a variety of results – like an icon that no longer needs a label or a logo that has been reduced to a quarter of what it [...]

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