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8 Tips To Submitting Your Press Release

Over the past few weeks, we've been exploring the use of press releases in your overall marketing strategy for selling managed services.  We've started from the very beginning to better understand what a press release actually is and gone through the steps of developing a release for publication. In this article, we will go over [...]

By |2021-10-28T07:14:03-07:00April 25th, 2018|Marketing|0 Comments

How To Create An Effective Press Release

You've probably caught on by now but just to make sure we're all on the same page, this is the second article of three about press releases and why you, as an MSP need them. Over the past few weeks, we've been exploring the use of press releases in your overall marketing strategy for selling [...]

By |2021-10-28T07:13:22-07:00April 14th, 2018|Marketing|0 Comments

[MSP] Our Most Popular Sales & Marketing Blogs of 2018 Revisited

Over the past quarter, we've been blogging quite a bit about Sales & Marketing for the Managed Service Provider and have been met with so much enthusiasm that we thought we'd run the most popular articles all in one blog post. If you haven't already checked out the links below, now's your chance to catch [...]

By |2018-04-11T17:09:41-07:00April 9th, 2018|Marketing, Sales|0 Comments

Using The Media & Press Releases To Sell Managed Services

If you ask me in 2018, the media gets a really bad rap for all the value they add to our everyday lives and especially the potential value they offer to our businesses. Running truly effective marketing campaigns can become very costly very quickly but there are definitely some tactics you can put into play [...]

By |2021-10-28T07:58:07-07:00April 3rd, 2018|Marketing|0 Comments

Buyer Personas: WHO Are You Selling Your Managed Services To?

Do you like spaghetti? Have you ever thrown against a wall? What if your marketing strategy was as simple as that…? You do business with whatever noodles stick to the wall (hypothetically speaking of course). Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? If you don’t have a very clear understanding of your decision makers and what makes them [...]

By |2021-10-28T07:19:44-07:00March 29th, 2018|Marketing|0 Comments

Use It Or Lose It!… The Hard Truth Behind Your Social Media Neglect.

A few years ago when you started your MSP, you set yourself up on all of the popular social media platforms in good faith that you’d figure it all out someday... but so far, “someday” hasn’t happened.  Since setting those profiles up, you’ve somehow managed to collect a handful of unfamiliar followers but that’s as [...]

By |2018-04-13T08:58:45-07:00March 15th, 2018|Marketing|0 Comments

Most Popular LinkedIn Products & Services For MSP’s In 2018

You've likely heard of LinkedIn, the business-oriented social networking website that many people use for keeping in touch with business associates, clients, and former colleagues. But is this LinkedIn's only use? Or can you use it in other ways to grow yourself professionally and help your organization to network more effectively? Since it's inception in [...]

By |2019-08-19T11:29:00-07:00March 12th, 2018|Marketing|0 Comments

Using LinkedIn To Sell Managed Services – 7 Tips To Getting Started

How hard is your personal LinkedIn profile working for you?  Does it keep your phone ringing off the hook? Are prospects trying to bust down your door to do business with you? No? ...then you're doing it all wrong.  You sell managed services and need as many tools in your selling toolbox as possible. Whether [...]

By |2021-10-28T07:53:24-07:00February 27th, 2018|Marketing|0 Comments

Promoting Your Brand: Best Practices

As we know, promoting your brand is one of the single most important things you can do.  In this digital world, it is about who can remember you and what they remember from you.  You not only want to engage and provide value, you also want to ensure customers leave with a good taste in [...]

By |2021-07-17T04:53:57-07:00February 21st, 2018|Marketing|0 Comments

The Managed Services Marketing Message

It’s no secret that first impressions speak volumes. In our case, you want the first impression of you and your business to be one that your prospects can’t ignore. That’s where your marketing message comes into play. It’s important to massage and tailor your marketing message so that it builds interest, but doesn’t give away [...]

By |2018-01-31T11:06:08-08:00January 21st, 2018|Marketing|0 Comments
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