Cold calling definitely has to be one of the worst sale’s techniques ever invented.  Whether it works or not, picking up the phone to call a complete stranger is difficult, nerve-wrecking and stressful.  You have about three minutes to introduce yourself, your business and your services, familiarize yourself with the person on the other end of the line and to intrigue them enough to remember who it is they’re even speaking with.

Almost seems impossible, doesn’t it?

Truthfully, cold calling may never be the best part of your day but it isn’t impossible to get your message across and to make a solid connection in the process.

A good script goes a long way.

We all know the saying, “Practice makes perfect.”  But, when it comes to human interactions, there is no ‘perfect’ way to have a conversation.  Depending on who you’re speaking with, any one word can send your conversation in a million different directions.  So, the trick with cold calling is to create a really good script and to make it your new best friend.

This doesn’t necessarily mean memorizing it word for word.  In fact, that’s probably the last thing you should do. It’s best to look at it as an outline and a guide.  It’s there for the basics—to lead you in the right path, to keep you on target and to keep you focused on the end goal.

Prepare yourself.

A script will only go so far.  If you have no idea who you’re speaking with and what their company does, did or is planning on doing, you’re going to fall flat on your face.  And, yes, it will be embarrassing.

Right before a call try to do a quick rundown of the company you’re about to speak with.  Five minutes spent researching can mean the difference between a cold lead and a hot lead.

Don’t upset the receptionist.

The receptionist is your key to the “one who makes decisions.”  Don’t undermine this person or come off as annoyed.  If you play your cards wisely, they can help you more than you know.  Otherwise, you’ll be transferred through the entire building and hung up on four times before you get the chance to speak to anyone that knows anything about the “one who makes decisions.”

Take good notes

99% of the time, your call isn’t going to end with a sale.  It’ll hopefully conclude with a nice, hot lead, a follow-up appointment and an email address.  Failing to take notes during your call will be the poorest decision you ever made.

It’s critical to jot down anything that seems even a little relevant during your conversation.  Save these notes and file them in a place that you’ll remember.  When you come back to this client later on, you’ll thank your lucky stars.  Clients love when you remember specifics about them.  It will do nothing but help strengthen the relationship you’re attempting to build.