Here at CharTec, selling successfully has been one of our most positive attributes. We took years and years of selling managed services and examined the process from top to bottom, realizing it’s a very unique service and can’t be sold like any other product.

And for those of you in the managed service business, you know exactly what we mean. Sure, general selling tips can help, but they don’t take into account the diversity and variety of what we sell.

Enter the CharTec MSP Sales Process. Having been refined like fine wine over the years, it’s now a wash, rinse, and repeatable process that sees 80% closing rates if performed correctly. No other training facility has the experience, the background, or the ability to train on how to sell managed services quite like we do.

Enough with the shameless self-plug.

What makes our Sales Process so great? Why do salespeople come through the doors of Sales Lab and leave with a whole new outlook on the entire thing? What causes a 20-year sales veteran to leave our facility with her mind completely blown?

It’s because we took the sales process and fine-tuned it to perfection.

Now, we aren’t going to give away the entire process. It’s way too lengthy and complex to cover in a blog post. Plus, you absolutely have to learn from the master himself to get the full effect. At CharTec Sales Lab, not only do you learn the Process front-to-back, but you have to perform it… and some do fail. There aren’t any participation trophies here.

So keep in mind, as we talk about seeking to understand, that it’s only a part of the process. An important part, but just a part nonetheless.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s dive in.

Seeking to understand is the backbone of any quality conversation. Think about it for a second: as humans, our only desire is to be heard and understood. We care about our own personal problems, and although we empathize or sympathize with others over their problems, we don’t actually lose sleep over the breakup of our cousin Ted and his wife (even though it’s an incredibly sad situation).

With that being said, seeking to understand is your key to bonding with a potential client. If you take the time to listen to a business owner, ask relevant questions, and seek to understand where he’s having problems, you create a strong repertoire from the beginning.

For example, let’s say John Smith is a potential customer for your MSP. You go to talk with him and listen to him twice as much as you talk. You ask detailed questions and walk away from the conversation understanding exactly what his IT problems are and exactly how to solve them.

Let’s switch it around. You meet with John Smith. You think your MSP is the best in the world, so you spend most of the time talking about how great it is and how many problems your MSP can solve. All the while, John is just quiet, feeling like he’s sitting in a sales pitch he didn’t sign up for, wishing for it to end. By the time it’s over, you still know nothing about his particular issues or how to solve them. And John Smith is ready to usher you out so he can get back to his business, which you clearly didn’t care about.

Which person do you want to be? The one who listens more than talks? The one who really seeks to understand the client? The one who builds immediate trust and credibility? Or the one who talks 99% of the time? The one who’s only interested in how great his MSP is? The one who doesn’t sell anything because people see him as a used-car salesman?

Yep, we thought so. Seek to understand. Put yourself in the shoes of your potential clients and do not leave the conversation without feeling confident that you’ve asked all the questions you need to really solve their IT challenges.

And come to Sales Lab. Learn how the entire Process works and start closing deals on the first try.